Sunday, December 2, 2012

How I got engaged

Like I was saying Duane and I met on halloween in 2010. We broke up in May 2011... stayed friends and had daughter play dates, texts, and movie nights. than got back together around Feb 2012 we got back together... It was exciting like we were highschoolers. We had a lot of fun and on March 11th, 2012 he surprised me and proposed and asked me to marry him.. He had 11 balloons, 11 roses, 11 steps, and 11 things to say as i walked up and down my stairs to make my way to the kitchen. where he had 1 rose, 1 ballon (i thought), 1 ring, and 1 question.

But lets backup...

Earlier that day he had started a fight with me and I was so mad I called in sick that day because I needed a "Personal day" with my mom of shopping...

When he found out that I hadn't gone to work he acted very strange...

 Duane: "You going anywhere today?"
Me: "Shopping with my mom..."
Duane: "Oh. good (I could hear his mom in the background mummbling something) Stay gone for a while and keep your door unlocked!"
Me: "okie..."

So I went to the mall with my mom and she refused to let me drop her off... because she was convinced I was "getting engaged and I better have a nice stone at least 1 karat." (shes a true romantic... let me tell you!)

So I pull up to my little town house on the upper side of town in a neighborhood area with not alot of aparetments. My heart was beating really fast and I had butterflies in my stomach which hasnt happened for a while with us since we had been together for a while and grown comfortable with each other. "Puppy love" was gone.

I opened the door to him.. he was nervous thats for sure.. he was holding index cards and had a shit eating grin on his face. There were rose petals, balloons, and roses everywhere.

It was cute but, I had to walk up the stairs and pick up a rose and pause... while he went to read off his index cards.

First step, First rose, First balloon.... First thing he said to me was  "Your beautiful."

And i am thinking awe, gee thanks... :)

Second step, second rose, second balloon... Second thing he said was "Your caring."

And may I add they he used spoons to hold down the balloons... so while trying to be romantic, sexy, and not step on anything I was tripping and stepping on spoons... (super romantic tripping while walking UP stairs and your soon to be finace is pouring his heart out to you)

Third step, Third rose, Thrid balloon.... Third thing he said was "Your an awesome person."

After he said that I automatically said "like a boss...." in my head. haha. But short lived and snapped back into the present.

Fourth step, Fourth rose, Fourth balloon... Fouth thing he said to me was "Your honest."

Now I am honest and I am glad that he thinks so because i am too honest sometimes and say the wrong things at all the wrong times... i think it hurts peoples feelings sometimes when I am trying to make things better... ehh.. they still love me. :)

Fifth step, Fifth rose, Fifth balloon....  Fifth thing he said to me was "Your Trustworthy."

By this point I was starting to get up pretty high and I had to bend over to see him.

Sixth step, Sixth rose, Sixth balloon... Sixth thing he said to me was "Your great to be around"

By this time I was wondering when this would become more than three word simple things about me.

Seventh step, Seventh rose, Seventh balloon... Seventh thing he said to me was "Every time I am around you and see you I love you even more than I did before."

At this point I feel the clinch in my stomach, feel my eyes getting heavy and think... thats my man... dig deep for those real emotions..

Eighth step, Eighth rose, Eighth balloon... Eighth thing he says to me "There is no one else in the world I want to be with."

By this time i am half way up my stairs and now am forced to walk backwards/sideways and I am so graceful (NOT!) thinking, he is not going to want to ask this baphoon to marry him..

Ninth step, Ninth rose, Ninth balloon.... Ninth thing he says to me "Your a great mom."

And I am glad that he thinks so since we are going to have a blended family and his daughter calls me mommy. and I have a short temper and a hot head.. just like my daughter lily... and marissa is quite and shy like duane... this will be interesting.

Tenth step, Tenth rose, Tenth Balloon... Tenth thing he says to me "You have your life together"

This one is not so romantic... it sounds more like a observation to me at that time but now looking back on it... that was a sweet thing to say..

Eleventh step, Eleventh rose, Eleventh balloon... Eleventh thing he said to me "I want to be with you forever and ever..."

At this time my hands were so full and he motioned me down the stairs and to come with him towards the kitchen..

He handed me my twelfth rose thinking (Okie this is it...) he just looks at me like.... HELLLOOOOOOO!!!!! and his eyes motion down towards the stem of the rose... and there on my twelfth rose is a ring...

He takes the ring off the flower... gets down on one knee, he has watery eyes, his voice is a little choked up, hes sweaty, his hands are shaky...

He grabs my hand and says the twelfth thing to me...

"I would be honored and the happiest man alive... if you destiny would marry me?"

What is a girl to say....



Than my mom rushes in and says "I knew it!!!"

Grabs the ring and says... this is much prettier than the last time I saw it. (Thanks mom)

Oh and I never got a twelfth balloon.. he popped it on the drive over... lol.

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